Friday, December 6, 2013

Blame it on the k-k-karma?

A recent conversation i had with a friend, sparked these train of thoughts.

Dawned upon me the realization as to how deeply the average person fears the notion of Karma. We get to hear lines like "What goes around, comes back around", "I'm gonna sit back and relax while Karma does its job", "Karma is a bitch" etc. Why is "Karma" portrayed in such a negative light? Why are we conditioned to perceive this universal principle through a dysfunctional state of fear that leads some of us to constantly blame it for the misfortunes, missed opportunities or "Bad Luck" occurred in our lives?

This is my take on the idea of the big ol' "K"

According to my understanding, The All/Source/The Creator/God, which ever it is you have decided to call this creative energy that we are all a part of, brings to us the experiences and situations best suited for the process of our evolution. May it be landing your dream job, finding your self in the middle of an abusive relationship or being caught up in morning traffic. The values, negative or positive is given solely by us mortals, depending on our take or perception on each and every situation. But are you also willing to acknowledge that by maintaining a sense of neutrality and judgement free awareness we would be able to grasp the full extend of the lessons meant to be learnt by us? In the instance of assigning our life situations with a negative value (based on our level of judgment) not only are we rejecting and denying its occurrence in our lives but along with it, the gifts and lessons it may unfold for us.

A few questions that I have programmed myself to ask when I catch myself identifying with a "problem" or being caught up in a uncomfortable situation are,

"What good would come out of this experience?"

"If this was to last forever, what would I change in myself in order turn it around and make the best out of it?"
"What gifts are presenting itself to me in this situation?"

The moment we stop calling them "problems"; the moment we decide to see it as growth opportunities; we will use them for what they really are. "Ascension Tools".

I had my dear friend tell me that "sometimes our (past) karma prevents us from experiencing the good things in life". I beg to differ!!! It certainly does not prevent us from achieving our life purpose but on the contrary, facilitates transformation within which would therefore enable us to get closer to fulfilling our true potential.

Let's look at it this way. Let's hypothetically think that we have lived our lives without purpose or direction, blindly and unconsciously. Reacting to life out of habit and being controlled by limiting thought patterns. Where would that take us vibrationaly? Would we not acquire a lower vibration or frequency as our own evolution has been hindered by our unconsciousness? Where would that place us in the vibratory scale?

Karma there for would place us only where we fit/belong and bring into our lives experiences, situations and people that would trigger spiritual/ emotional/ mental and physical transformation. "Bad Karma" as some may

call it is therefore our best friend!! Far from the fear induced labeling it carries!!

So do remember, DON'T run from karma, may it be negative or positive according to mass perception. Accept it, become it, learn the necessary and let it go. For without its existence, you would be stagnant in your evolutionary process.

"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever. This is the ultimate" - Chuang Tzu.

Love, Light and Transformation to all of you.

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