Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ten Best Ways to Overcome Doubt And Over Thinking

1. Pray - let your fears out of your system by acknowledging that they are there, and ask for guidance to overcome them and transmute them in to unconditional love. There is no shame in being open to help and support, being a part of the collective consciousness we all depend on each other to some degree or the other as we are, at the end of the day, all connected.

2. Alone time - take time out to indulge in your own company and simply stop thinking about the matter of concern. The mind best be free and unoccupied for the ideas and solutions to flow through.

3. Recharge - the importance of sleep to gain introspection and clarity of mind cannot be stressed more. When in doubt or simply when stressed out, go to bed, wake up fresh and then strategize.

4. Write it down - sit down, grab a pen and paper (or sit with your trusty laptop like i do) and write down possible solutions. Narrow it down, jot down achievable goals and take baby steps towards them. Always focus on solutions and spend as little time as possible focusing on the challenge at hand. What you focus on, you attract. So focus on problem solving and brain storming opposed to spending hours walking around with heavy load on your chest.

5. Fuel up - eat and stay hydrated. Many of us tend to neglect ourselves during times of doubt or struggle of any sort. There can't be anything worse than doing that as the vessel needs more attention when low on positivity. Do whatever required for the body be at ease, eat fresh organic vegetables and fruits, stock upon those green smoothies and drink lots and lots of water!!

6. Soul food - I am yet to find a way that is absolutely as effortless and nourishing as healing the soul with nature. Step out of your house, connect with nature, walk bare foot down the beach or in lush greenery, inhale all the love given free from mama Gaia and exhale all negativity. You will feel amazing, guaranteed.

9. Let go - do something that is completely irrelevant to what is going on in your mind. Make a conscious decision to take a break from all the thinking, sit down with a cheesy romcom or your favorite video game and just spend some time being light hearted and free.

10 Go within - If all of the else fails, here is a solution of the brave. Sit somewhere comfortable and meditate. If you are a beginner, simply follow your breath, being aware of the in-and-ex hale, then slowly move within the body, noticing all the bodily sensations and becoming one with it. Or YouTube a fun guided meditation and simply follow the voice.

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