Friday, June 6, 2014

Top 10 Ways to be an Effective Speaker

1. Heart – speak through your heart opposed to your mind. The heart is the door way to your authentic, honest self, passionate and confident. Always feel yourself in your heart space when you speak. I sometimes keep my dormant hand on my heart during intense conversations or whenever I have to deliver my point across to a group so that I can connect to the intelligence of the heart. Yes, it works!!

2. Speak slow- watch yourself while you speak, and let your mind find the words that better suit the emotions being expressed by your heart. Find your own rhythm, take time, speaking can be melodious, you don’t need to rush .

Difficulty in expressing oneself can also signify a blocked/unbalanced throat chakra. Take steps to balance it out

3. Crystal healing- wearing a crystal around your neck which is associated with the throat chakra. (E.i. turquoise ) to help you heal and open up.

4. Create circles anti-clock wise with your palm facing your throat, and then clock wise for at least three minutes whenever you feel blocked. You would instantly feel at ease and would be able to speak better.

5. Body scanning – visualize healing light entering your throat area as you inhale and exhale negative energy or blockages. Repeat process until you feel content.

6. Recite the beej (seed) mantra “aim” known to improve speech and expression. (used in the ancient Indian tantric sound healing method – “Para-Tan”.

7. Watch masters at play - Get positively influenced by exposing yourself to material of great speakers. Some of the best modern day speakers I have come across who has truly inspired me to speak and express myself better is Jason Silva, Elliot Hulse, Abraham Hicks and Bashar. Find out who inspires you and let it help you find your own flow.

8. Be present while speaking and sharing ideas. A conversation is meant to help individuals exchange opinions, understand each other & Find the beauty in diverse ideas. But seldom do we truly listen to what the other has to say coz we are too busy preparing a reply to make an impression. If we let go of this ego based mechanism of half-conscious listening and smartass replying, we could truly create beautiful relationships and also become great communicators.

9. Read. The more you know- the more you will be able to understand- the better you will be able to express yourself.

10. Earth the energies- Grounding is crucial when it comes to being solid within yourself. It helps you balance out your ions and express yourself well. I almost always stay barefoot during healing sessions, or workshops and I’ve always felt the connection with earth to help me open up and talk freely.


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