Friday, June 13, 2014

Top Favorite Self Healing Techniques for Daily Use

Here are some of my all-time favorite self-healing techniques that I use on a regular basis which has truly helped transform myself on a very deep level.

Light meditation/Body scanning – Easy, simple and extremely effective. Simply visualize yourself being bathed in a bluish white healing light and as you breath in see that divine electromagnetic force enter your body. You may start with your toes and work up until your entire body goes through the process of transmuting any negativity into light as you exhale.
To make things easier, here is a simple guided body scan that I often recommend to the people I work with.

Recital of Beej mantras – I could not stress more on how powerful this technique is. I use this method of deep healing on every single one of my workshops and have witnessed women experiencing relief from irregular periods, anger issues, womb related imbalances, building confidence, urinary infections, self-love and much more. A beej or seed or mantra is basically a sound which carries with it an aspect of the divine. Each sound brings to you a different benefit, starting from clearing the energy flow, improving speech, harmonizing the bodily liquids, conserving and harnessing energy, balancing the left and right side of the physique and the list continues.  You can witness this method being used in the ancient tantric sound healing method called Para-Tan. Here are some beej mantras that you can use on a daily basis to purify and energize your energy flow.
Brim (sound of Jupiter – the inner guru), Kreem (to conserve and harness energy), Shreem (for wealth, Abundance and grace), Aim (for speech).

Healing through sacred frequencies - Sounds that exude 528hz, 432hz etc is known to transform us back to perfect health and even reprogram are our DNA structure. This is probably one of the simplest ways to experience transformation as all you need to do is, plug in your head phones and listen to it. To make things even instantaneous for you, here is a 528hz sound track that I myself listen to a regular basis.

Chakra balancing – a method favored by many of my receivers (clients) and students with proven results is a no brainer technique that even a 6 year old could follow through. Simply place your hand on top of each chakra circulating it anti clock wise (to pull out blocks and imbalances) followed by a clock wise circulation to smoothen the energy out. Spend at least 3 minutes on each chakra. (for men - when you reach your crown chakra the method goes on reverse as you are required to first circulate clockwise and then anti-clock wise). This gives instant clarity and balance to your energy flow and is a great way to start the day.

Water – Water is a super conduct that can be programmed with whatever we choose to infuse it with. Place your hand upon it and visualize you sending loving healing light. You can also say an affirmation like, “heal, restore and regenerate with unconditional love”. Or you can simply play the above mentioned sacred frequency music beside your water and drink it after afterwards. Works magic.

Releasing techniques – Letting go of past traumas, grudges, memories or attachments which serve you no good can help you accelerate your growth and evolution. It is key to experiencing healing on a profound level. You can use proven methods like the Sedona technique or simply write a letter or intuitively create a ritual where you address the memory or attachment you may have and declare yourself liberated from its burden. It may not work with one go so repeat until you feel light in your heart space.

Affirmations – The power of words cannot be taken lightly and I myself have experienced miracles thanks to the use of affirmations. Acknowledge your fears or desires and find a solution for it within the power of daily affirmations. For an example, if you are an individual with body image issues, you can simply repeat an affirmation like ”I am beautiful, I am enough” or if you have a desire to attract money in your life you can use “I am abundant, my money flow increases each day”.

Crystal therapy – Crystals are living breathing earth crust which carries with it a high vibration with an incredible ability to heal. They can balance and tune you into your perfect self. Here is a brilliant article for the crystal first timers to get some insight on how to use them.


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