Friday, June 13, 2014

Top Favorite Self Healing Techniques for Daily Use

Here are some of my all-time favorite self-healing techniques that I use on a regular basis which has truly helped transform myself on a very deep level.

Light meditation/Body scanning – Easy, simple and extremely effective. Simply visualize yourself being bathed in a bluish white healing light and as you breath in see that divine electromagnetic force enter your body. You may start with your toes and work up until your entire body goes through the process of transmuting any negativity into light as you exhale.
To make things easier, here is a simple guided body scan that I often recommend to the people I work with.

Recital of Beej mantras – I could not stress more on how powerful this technique is. I use this method of deep healing on every single one of my workshops and have witnessed women experiencing relief from irregular periods, anger issues, womb related imbalances, building confidence, urinary infections, self-love and much more. A beej or seed or mantra is basically a sound which carries with it an aspect of the divine. Each sound brings to you a different benefit, starting from clearing the energy flow, improving speech, harmonizing the bodily liquids, conserving and harnessing energy, balancing the left and right side of the physique and the list continues.  You can witness this method being used in the ancient tantric sound healing method called Para-Tan. Here are some beej mantras that you can use on a daily basis to purify and energize your energy flow.
Brim (sound of Jupiter – the inner guru), Kreem (to conserve and harness energy), Shreem (for wealth, Abundance and grace), Aim (for speech).

Healing through sacred frequencies - Sounds that exude 528hz, 432hz etc is known to transform us back to perfect health and even reprogram are our DNA structure. This is probably one of the simplest ways to experience transformation as all you need to do is, plug in your head phones and listen to it. To make things even instantaneous for you, here is a 528hz sound track that I myself listen to a regular basis.

Chakra balancing – a method favored by many of my receivers (clients) and students with proven results is a no brainer technique that even a 6 year old could follow through. Simply place your hand on top of each chakra circulating it anti clock wise (to pull out blocks and imbalances) followed by a clock wise circulation to smoothen the energy out. Spend at least 3 minutes on each chakra. (for men - when you reach your crown chakra the method goes on reverse as you are required to first circulate clockwise and then anti-clock wise). This gives instant clarity and balance to your energy flow and is a great way to start the day.

Water – Water is a super conduct that can be programmed with whatever we choose to infuse it with. Place your hand upon it and visualize you sending loving healing light. You can also say an affirmation like, “heal, restore and regenerate with unconditional love”. Or you can simply play the above mentioned sacred frequency music beside your water and drink it after afterwards. Works magic.

Releasing techniques – Letting go of past traumas, grudges, memories or attachments which serve you no good can help you accelerate your growth and evolution. It is key to experiencing healing on a profound level. You can use proven methods like the Sedona technique or simply write a letter or intuitively create a ritual where you address the memory or attachment you may have and declare yourself liberated from its burden. It may not work with one go so repeat until you feel light in your heart space.

Affirmations – The power of words cannot be taken lightly and I myself have experienced miracles thanks to the use of affirmations. Acknowledge your fears or desires and find a solution for it within the power of daily affirmations. For an example, if you are an individual with body image issues, you can simply repeat an affirmation like ”I am beautiful, I am enough” or if you have a desire to attract money in your life you can use “I am abundant, my money flow increases each day”.

Crystal therapy – Crystals are living breathing earth crust which carries with it a high vibration with an incredible ability to heal. They can balance and tune you into your perfect self. Here is a brilliant article for the crystal first timers to get some insight on how to use them.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Top 10 Ways to be an Effective Speaker

1. Heart – speak through your heart opposed to your mind. The heart is the door way to your authentic, honest self, passionate and confident. Always feel yourself in your heart space when you speak. I sometimes keep my dormant hand on my heart during intense conversations or whenever I have to deliver my point across to a group so that I can connect to the intelligence of the heart. Yes, it works!!

2. Speak slow- watch yourself while you speak, and let your mind find the words that better suit the emotions being expressed by your heart. Find your own rhythm, take time, speaking can be melodious, you don’t need to rush .

Difficulty in expressing oneself can also signify a blocked/unbalanced throat chakra. Take steps to balance it out

3. Crystal healing- wearing a crystal around your neck which is associated with the throat chakra. (E.i. turquoise ) to help you heal and open up.

4. Create circles anti-clock wise with your palm facing your throat, and then clock wise for at least three minutes whenever you feel blocked. You would instantly feel at ease and would be able to speak better.

5. Body scanning – visualize healing light entering your throat area as you inhale and exhale negative energy or blockages. Repeat process until you feel content.

6. Recite the beej (seed) mantra “aim” known to improve speech and expression. (used in the ancient Indian tantric sound healing method – “Para-Tan”.

7. Watch masters at play - Get positively influenced by exposing yourself to material of great speakers. Some of the best modern day speakers I have come across who has truly inspired me to speak and express myself better is Jason Silva, Elliot Hulse, Abraham Hicks and Bashar. Find out who inspires you and let it help you find your own flow.

8. Be present while speaking and sharing ideas. A conversation is meant to help individuals exchange opinions, understand each other & Find the beauty in diverse ideas. But seldom do we truly listen to what the other has to say coz we are too busy preparing a reply to make an impression. If we let go of this ego based mechanism of half-conscious listening and smartass replying, we could truly create beautiful relationships and also become great communicators.

9. Read. The more you know- the more you will be able to understand- the better you will be able to express yourself.

10. Earth the energies- Grounding is crucial when it comes to being solid within yourself. It helps you balance out your ions and express yourself well. I almost always stay barefoot during healing sessions, or workshops and I’ve always felt the connection with earth to help me open up and talk freely.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Top 10 Ways to be More Productive

1. Early bird – humans are designed to wake up with the sun and retreat into rest as the sun sets. It is not that there aren't successful night owls but most of histories renowned names starting from Mozart to Ernest Hemingway started their daily routine by saluting the sun. It is said that the time line between 10 pm to 2 am is one of the most crucial times for us to be asleep as the most amount of human growth hormones are released during those hours.

2. Positive rituals – mastery and greatness is seldom created through good luck. It is perfected through commitment, discipline and routine.  Beethoven was known to compose music religiously for 8 hours each day & basketball legend Michael Jordan is known for practicing his craft for 6 hours every day. It is said that it takes 66 days for humans to adopt a new habit. So If you start today, two months from now, going to gym or waking up early would become as natural as brushing your teeth.

3. Exercise – this is a no-brainer, but as simple as it is, this is something that most people tend to look past. A balanced healthy body amplifies the flow of our creative juices, our thinking processes become more dynamic and our minds become clear and alert.

4. Harness – your energy levels will have a big say in your level of productivity. So discover what activity brings the most amount of energy into your life and practice it religiously. This could vary from meditation, vigorous exercise, chanting mantras, sun gazing, yoga, pranayama (breath work) or to simply going for a long walk in nature.

5. Eat light- our digestive system takes up most of our energy conserves, yet we stuff our faces, feel sluggish and wonder why we don’t have energy. Take steps to plan out your meals, eat light high nutritional food that would keep the energy levels high and help you maintain high quality performance though out the day.

6. Finding inspiration – One lesson I've learnt after quitting many jobs and finally pursuing my path has a Holistic healer and mentor is that when you follow through your highest excitement and passion, work is never “work” again. It is the fire within you that wakes you up at 5 am and makes you want to leap out of bed coz you just can’t wait to do what you do. But if you are still not in that position, inspiration can come in a form as simple as a YouTube clip to remind you of your true greatness. It is up to you to stay inspired.

7. Write it down/organize – having a clear view of what you expect to achieve within your day will help you focus your energy in the most efficient way possible as you would know where to direct your attention. Write down your goals, prioritize and follow through.

8. Momentum – always move forward with action regardless of how big or small your steps are. All that matters is that you maintain momentum and keep moving in the direction of you goals.

9. Visualize Vocalize – speak about your dreams and aspirations. Surround yourself with pictures of what you want your future to look like. Hearing it and seeing it will reprogram your brain to tune in to the life of your dreams and by simply embodying it in the NOW will help you exude the frequency necessary to attract it into your life.

10. Power of influence - Surround yourself with driven, high performance individuals. It’s said that you become like the five people you spend most time with, so pick wisely.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ten Best Ways to Overcome Doubt And Over Thinking

1. Pray - let your fears out of your system by acknowledging that they are there, and ask for guidance to overcome them and transmute them in to unconditional love. There is no shame in being open to help and support, being a part of the collective consciousness we all depend on each other to some degree or the other as we are, at the end of the day, all connected.

2. Alone time - take time out to indulge in your own company and simply stop thinking about the matter of concern. The mind best be free and unoccupied for the ideas and solutions to flow through.

3. Recharge - the importance of sleep to gain introspection and clarity of mind cannot be stressed more. When in doubt or simply when stressed out, go to bed, wake up fresh and then strategize.

4. Write it down - sit down, grab a pen and paper (or sit with your trusty laptop like i do) and write down possible solutions. Narrow it down, jot down achievable goals and take baby steps towards them. Always focus on solutions and spend as little time as possible focusing on the challenge at hand. What you focus on, you attract. So focus on problem solving and brain storming opposed to spending hours walking around with heavy load on your chest.

5. Fuel up - eat and stay hydrated. Many of us tend to neglect ourselves during times of doubt or struggle of any sort. There can't be anything worse than doing that as the vessel needs more attention when low on positivity. Do whatever required for the body be at ease, eat fresh organic vegetables and fruits, stock upon those green smoothies and drink lots and lots of water!!

6. Soul food - I am yet to find a way that is absolutely as effortless and nourishing as healing the soul with nature. Step out of your house, connect with nature, walk bare foot down the beach or in lush greenery, inhale all the love given free from mama Gaia and exhale all negativity. You will feel amazing, guaranteed.

9. Let go - do something that is completely irrelevant to what is going on in your mind. Make a conscious decision to take a break from all the thinking, sit down with a cheesy romcom or your favorite video game and just spend some time being light hearted and free.

10 Go within - If all of the else fails, here is a solution of the brave. Sit somewhere comfortable and meditate. If you are a beginner, simply follow your breath, being aware of the in-and-ex hale, then slowly move within the body, noticing all the bodily sensations and becoming one with it. Or YouTube a fun guided meditation and simply follow the voice.